

Fibromyalgia is characterized by wide spread of pain from head to toe in the muscles tissues that connect bones, ligaments & tendons. The pain occurs in certain parts of the body and these areas are called as tender points Fibromyalgia is a complex syndrome characterized by pain amplification, musculoskeletal discomfort and systemic symptoms:- Patient with FMS are hypersensitive to pain. Ordinary nonpainful sensations to others are experienced as pain sensation in these patients. They may be sensitive to odors, sounds, lights and vibrations that others don’t even notice. Fibromyalgia can be a source of substantial disability: – It is true if you have had it for a long period of time without adequate medical support. It can also add stress to everything you do.

Symptoms of Fibromayalgia

    • Pain
    • Fatigue Sleep Disturbance
    • Nervous System Symptoms: Changes in mood and anxiety are common   symptoms of fibromyalgia.


  • Other Problems: Headaches especially tension headaches and migraine headaches are common. Digestive symptoms like difficulty in swallowing, cramping abdominal pains, heart burn & alternating diarrhea and constipation. Women with fibromyalgia often have pelvic pain, painful menstrual periods & painful sexual intercourse.  Urinary symptoms like urinary urgency, frequency and unable to urinate fully also present. Symptoms of dry eyes, nose and mouth can also be present. Fibromyalgia doesn’t cause permanent damage


  • Medication – Consult your doctor.
  • Exercise
    • Walking – Start slowly by walking for 5 minutes the first day. Then continue to increase the minutes to gain a goal of 60 minutes.
    • Jogging -After you feel comfortable with walking 3/4 times in a week, you can alternate walking with slow jogging. Do this as often as feels comfortable and extend your exercise for longer periods if you feel comfortable.
    • Bicycling – Stationary bicycles offer the benefit of exercising indoors. Set a goal of exercise for 60 minutes
    • Swimming – Any form of swimming for minmum 30 min.
  • Understanding Depression – Try to find out the reason for your depression and consult a psychologist or other mental health specialist.
  • Diet – Food you eat definitely affect the way you feel both physically and emotionally. Poor diet is a key perpetuating factor in FMS. It is a good idea to figure out which food make you feel better or at least don’t bother you and which food you may want to avoid because they make you feel worse. Seek help from your dietician.
  • Modify Lifestyle – Avoid alcohol and caffeine since these can cause poor sleep. Maintain good sitting & sleeping posture.
  • Physiotherapy – IFT, Ultra Sound Therapy, TENS
  • Taping Technique
  • Myotherapy
  • Stretching
  • Strengthening